“Time Standing Still” is coming soon and should be uploading. I started this album out as acoustic only, but several songs required drums (Chris French) to fully appreciate the seriousness of the subject matter. Speaking of subject matter, these songs are of a more hardened nature, reflecting the tough times I was going through as I put them down on “paper”. This includes lost loves, failed relationships, marital squabbles, world chaos, and being surrounded by those less fortunate in my community.
I want to thank my son, Max Davenport , for contributing to the title track, Time Standing Still. His lyrical contribution of “…an hourglass in zero gravity…” set the tone for the song. Special thanks to my guest guitarist, Keaton Rood, for adding his special talents to the album. As always, thanks also goes out to Shawn Daley, owner of the Mohawk Studio at my music venue in Sandusky, Ohio, called HALO Live.
I have already laid down scratch tracks for my next album that I call “ Songs From My Desk Drawer”. Songwriters know that there are songs that take a long time to perfect…or at least make good enough to record. Having written over 250 songs now, I know quite well that some songs I write are inane, silly, simplistic, or just bad. Over time, improvements can be made to rhythm, lyrics, key, and chord structure, allowing them to come into their own over time. This next album includes many of these songs, with only 2-3 songs that are relatively new from my keyboard.