Summer is finally over and we head into the quiet months(musically speaking) of fall, winter, and spring. We had 42 gigs this summer as either a solo act or as a duet, trio, or even quartet at times. The album Gone Too Far was released as 15 singles and will soon be released as an album. It shows the other sides of me as a songwriter as I stretch my talents a bit. Now that summer is over and things have quieted down somewhat, I will begin the process of recording my next album, It’s Still Me. It will be a mix of serious music and less-serious stuff that keeps it upbeat. Critics have told me it is by far my best music, yet…who really knows, as music means different things to different people. As an artist, I like the songs, and maybe that is all that matters in the end. I try to remind myself that playing music and writing songs is a hobby for me and not to take myself too seriously. I do know one thing, music has really helped my mental state as I have been very happy of late. While performing, we are surrounded by friends, family, and fans who help keep the hobby fun and exciting…how could one not be happy in this environment?